How To Make Your Roofing Experience Easy

A new roof is an exciting experience! So much that kids and pets may want to watch as they observe the roofers ripping and nailing. This is extremely dangerous, though. Once the roofing company arrives, your home is a work zone. As always, safety is important to us. Here are some tips to make your roofing experience go as smoothly as possible!
Do Your Homework
Once you’ve decided it is time for a new roof, it’s important to select a contractor who will deliver excellent work, high-quality materials and has plenty of roofing experience. It’s a good idea to do your homework before the first hammer drops so there are no big surprises during the work. You should know the size of your roof and know the amount of materials you’ll need.
Kids and Pets
Loud noises from roofing companies can disturb sleeping habits and increase anxiety. Work zones are extremely unsafe for children and pets. Talk with your children and explain to them that certain areas of the home or yard will be off-limits until the project is finished. Young children and pets may not fully understand these dangers, so it may be best for you to relocate to a friend or family member’s house while you are getting your new roof. Lucky for you, Second To None not only works efficiently but fast, too, so you won’t have to worry about being out of your house for long. You can, of course, stay home during a roof replacement, as well. Just be sure to take the proper precautions during your roofing experience.
Move Your Vehicles
Contractors need quick access to their tools and trucks for the day, so give them the closest parking spots. They will need a place to load shingles and debris, as well. You will want to keep your vehicles away from this area until the work is completed. We do not recommend that you put it in the garage because of little insulation and the possibility of debris and nails falling through the roof. The granules from shingles can chip the paint on your car. The best place to park is across the street. You should, however, close garage doors during construction to keep out any dust and debris.
Move Patio Furniture
If you have outdoor furniture and other items like grills or lawn ornaments, you may want to put these in a safe place in your yard that is away from the work area and cover them with a tarp or plastic covering. A garage or shed is another great place to store these objects during construction.
Remove Wall Decor
The vibrations from the machinery on your roof can travel through the walls of your home. Walk through the rooms on the level below your roof. Consider any knick-knacks, pictures, or other decorations hanging from your ceiling or walls. If they aren’t permanently secured with screws, it is best to remove them until the work is done. You may also want to remove any decorative light fixtures like chandeliers to play it safe.
Cover Belongings in The Attic
Installers will walk all over your roof during installation, pounding it with hammers and nail guns Because of this, dust and small debris will fall in your attic spaces. Keep your personal items clean by covering them with old sheets or drop cloths until the project is finished. Be prepared to do some light vacuuming after construction is complete.
Prune Trees and Cut Your Lawn Before Construction Begins
Any low-hanging tree branches need to be trimmed before your contractor can begin work. Cut your grass a day before construction begins. Short grass will help keep fallen debris from hiding in your lawn, making cleanup faster.
If you have flowerbeds or landscaping around your home, it’s also a good idea to protect them by covering them with tarps or plastic. You should also remove any hanging plants while the new roof is being installed.
Find Multiple Power Outlets
Your roofing contractors will need access to electrical outlets while they are working. Exterior outlets are preferred. If your home does not have any, a garage outlet is the next best choice. If you don’t have any outside outlets or any outlets in your garage, you will likely need to use an extension cord that will need to run through a window or a door. Identify outlets that don’t get a lot of traffic, so it doesn’t pose as a tripping hazard.
Remove Satellite Dishes
If you have any antennas or satellite dishes on or very near your roof, you will want to have those removed before roof construction begins. Call your cable or satellite provider to make arrangements before the work begins.
Inform Your Neighbors
Have you ever been woken up super early because of construction next door that nobody warned you about? We have, too. It is not a fun roofing experience. Let your neighbors know about any planned work. Give them an expected timeframe so they can adjust their schedules so they can be the most comfortable while the work is going on. They will thank you!
Be Aware Of Your Surroundings
Construction creates unexpected obstacles. Extension cords and other construction equipment that aren’t normally there offer opportunities to really injure yourself. Secure any exits from the inside, so nobody exits the home under a ladder or scaffolding. A note taped to the door to remind your family that it is unsafe to exit is also a great idea. Don’t walk around outside barefoot during construction, as there may be nails or other small construction materials lurking around. Stay extra alert and vigilant during this time to prevent injuries.
Communicate With Your Roofing Company
It’s always best to communicate with your roofing company before, during, and after the roof installation process. They should be able to provide you with an accurate timeline that you can plan around. Ask if they have any suggestions to make the job easier for them. They are there to help you!
Final Words
Remember that construction is temporary, and once it is finished, you will have the beautiful roof you’ve always dreamed of. Call us at (636) 699-0449 to get started.